Rocks In The Attic #1270: The Sex Pistols – ‘The Filth And The Fury (O.S.T.)’ (2000)

AKA the very last film I ever bought on VHS (aside from that whacky James Bond VHS boxset I bought for $20 a few years ago, from DR. NO to DIE ANOTHER DAY). 

I used to play this film a lot back in 2000/2001 when I was DJing in Manchester – the visuals on the screens in the bar made for perfect background images to play music to. 

I love this documentary though. An intricately edited patchwork quilt of shadowy talking head interviews, archival footage and various bits of pop culture paraphernalia, that all mashes together to give a great sense of 1977 when the Sex Pistols burned very brightly (and burned out very quickly). 

It was great to see this on the big screen at the glorious Hollywood Avondale last year, and in 35mm too. I’d never have thought when I watched this on repeat back in the early 2000s that I’d get to see it projected. Living so close to two rep cinemas (the Hollywood and the Academy, I’m ignoring the Capitol as they seem to have turned their back on rep screenings), curated by two people with great taste in movies, has really enriched my life. 

This long awaited vinyl pressing of the soundtrack to THE FILTH AND THE FURY landed on Record Store Day earlier this year. It differs from the original CD version of the soundtrack, which includes some of the material by other artists played throughout the film to provide context around how nakedly different the Pistols sounded compared to everything else. Instead, this vinyl version just includes Pistols material, both tracks from NEVER MIND THE BOLLOCKS, and some other outtake and rehearsal material. Yes, it’s “just another Pistols compilation”, but given my love for the film, it’s something I’m really happy to have in my collection. 

Hit: God Save The Queen

Hidden Gem: Road Runner

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